Soul Readings are a beautiful way of discovering and exploring one’s self, receiving messages from one’s guides or the universe, addressing specific challenges or questions, determining the patterns and trends that shape one’s future, and generally finding clarity and direction. Readings allow individuals to discover new perspectives from which they can deal with life in a more empowered manner and can be used to forward the area of one’s career, finances, health, relationships, purpose or spirituality.

Readings can be done using either Tarot cards or Oracle cards. Tarot cards are an older and more structured divinatory medium while Oracle cards are a newer tradition and are simpler and more straightforward. Oracle cards usually have a word or phrase that indicates their specific meaning, such as “Surrender” or “Trust.” One of the most popular themes for Oracle cards are Angel cards and these cards are used specifically to receive messages from one’s angelic guides.

Readings are 60 minutes long and are scheduled by appointment.


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